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This is really a very intresting site becasue it contain a lots of my views and jokes pictures and many more stuff

People says that Al-beruni was the founder of Algebra. But that is quite far from the reality. Though he had done a lot for algebra and was officially declared as the founder of Algebra. But the first person who gave the idea and had used the supposition first time was Hazrat Ali (A.S).

Let me prove, how can I say this.

The base of Algebra is supposition i.e. "suppose the value is ex ( x ) and suppose x = 1.

Three traders came to Hazrat Ali (A.S) bringing a problem. They said that they have 17 camels.

Now One trader said I have the 9th share i.e. 17/9..

2nd said I have 3rd …………………………i.e. 17/3

3rd said I have half …………………………i.e 17/2

Now 17 / 9 = 1.88888

17/3 = 5.6666

and 17/2 = 8.5

Then the traders said that the quantity leads us to distribute the camels in way in which we will have to cut them into pieces, so how can we distribute all the 17 camels.

Then Hazrat Ali (A.S) brought his own camel..

Now my friends the camel was actually a supposition for Algebra if u understand, the base of Algebra.

Hazrat Ali had indeed tried to introduce "Suppose the value is x and x = 1"

Hazrat Ali said "Add my camel in the group of 17 as well"

Then he said now u have 18 camels.

After that he asked the 1st trader "Wat’s your share" He replied "9th i.e 18/2."

Then he asked the 2nd trader "Wat’s your" he replied "3rd i.e. 18/3"

Finally asked from the 3rd trader "Wat’s your then he said " half or 2nd i.e.18/2"


For Trader one. < 18 / 2 = 9 >. Hazrat Ali gave away 9 camels to the 1st trader. .

For Trader 2. < 18 / 3 = 6 >. Hazrat Ali gave away 6 camels to the 2nd trader .

For Trader 3. < 18 / 9 = 2 >. Hazrat Ali gave away 2 camels to the 3rd trader .

Then he asked " Wat is the total of your camels " They replied 9+6+2 = 17

The Hazrat Ali asked how many left. They replied only 1.

Hazrat Ali smiled at them and said "U know that is Mine.."



Realism of the Cosmos

Over the planets above the blue,

Their exist the creator of the Humanity,

Who create us alongside a clue?

That who build the universe and all views.

Once I sought for it to find the reality,

But I failed to prove except one,

Only one who gave birth my country,

And me with my nation a precious identity.

No doubt that he is one & only one,

Who always guide us in disguise,

Who send his people for the guidance of every one,

He who gave us success over the wrong one.

He is righteous one to believe,

Every obsession belongs to him,

That rules us but left us free,

Before the universe one can exist, lonely one that is he.
